Mazel Tov!
I couldn’t be more excited for you as you approach the chuppah!
This wonderful engagement period can be filled with magical moments you’ll only experience once.
But engagements can also be filled with wonders and worries of what’s yet to come.
Thankfully, kallah classes with a trained, experienced, and supportive mentor can help you make the momentous transition into marriage feeling empowered.

The Benefits of Kallah Classes
As you lay the foundations for your new home, you’ll want to establish them halachically, and hashkafically, with Torah values and marital confidence. And you can’t rely on just any kallah teacher to teach you.
I’m Miriam Zeitlin.
With 25 years of marriage in my pocket, 6 certifications, and a wealth of coaching experience, you can be sure that kallah lessons with me will leave you feeling:
- Prepared (so you know what to expect)
- Equipped (so you know how to handle any scenario)
- Supported (so you know that it’s okay to ask when you need to)
Are we a match?
Kallah Class Curriculum
So what’s included in my kallah classes? While I personalize every kallah class to each kallah, I will always cover the following in our kallah lessons:
The foundation of a Jewish marriage
Anatomy, The different ways a woman becomes a Niddah
I am a Niddah - now what? The motions and emotions of the Niddah days
Mikvah prep, the beauty of Mikvah, the days of Tahara
The wedding night
Why Choose Miriam as Your Kallah Teacher?

Nowadays, there’s a kallaha teacher for everyone.
We’ll make a perfect fit if you’re looking for:
A warm mentor who really cares (each class may last two hours, but I’m here for you throughout)
An experienced teacher (who has met kallahs with many unique circumstances)
A patient and intuitive teacher (what we’ll learn together will be new for you; we’ll spend as long as you need on each topic)
Kallah Classes For The Wedding Night
As a Bas Yisroel, your wedding night may seem like a deep swim in unchartered waters.
We’ll work through your questions and discuss this intricate topic at length. You’ll feel prepared for any eventuality.
Stay Close to Home with Kallah Classes in Brooklyn
Born, bred, and now proudly known amongst the kallah teachers in Brooklyn, I know well the pressures of being a kallah ‘in town’! Our sessions will take place in my Brooklyn location, which is ideal for your privacy and comfort.
FAQ’s About Kallah Lessons
Welcome to the world of dress fittings and gift registries! While you’ll need to clarify your guest list, let me clarify some frequently asked questions:
Kallah classes are intended for a kallah during her engagement period. They cover in-depth family purity halachos, Torah-sourced hashkafos connected to marriage, male and female anatomy, and relationship tools.
Yes, I offer both Zoom kallah lessons and face-to-face classes. If you’re not specifically looking for kallah classes in NYC, Brooklyn, Zoom can be our medium.
My aim as a kallah teacher is to provide the best value to kallahs, contact me to see my exact rates.
Kallah Classes, the Blueprints for your Bayis Ne’eman
Start your kallah classes and get ready to discover the beauty and breadth of a frum, jewish home, and explore the unending potential of a woman with her husband.