Soar Higher.

Emerge Stronger.

Let’s transform your relationships

Is this you?

“I feel dissatisfied and discouraged with every date!”

“I need a relatable kallah teacher”

“I have a fear of intimacy and commitment!”

“My husband is a good guy, but we don’t connect”

Relationships can be stressful. They don’t have to be.

The Miriam Zeitlin Difference

Customized Sessions

Customized Sessions

No two people are alike. That’s why I tailor each session to YOU, and you only.
Personal Growth

Personal Growth

With empowered confidence, you’ll feel equipped to tackle any relationship hurdle. You got this!

Skill Development

Skill Development

Learn relationship skills such as problem-solving, successful communication, and effective body language.

Dating Pattern Analysis

Relationship Analysis

We’ll decipher your relationship patterns and discover many “Aha!” moments together.


Continued Support

Unconditional, non-judgmental support. Every step of the way, through each stage of the relationship.

About Me

How did I get into matchmaking and coaching?

As a natural people person and perceptive listener, I’ve always been drawn to connecting with others. Although my Brooklyn-born-and-bred self seems typical, I spent my high school years in the Midwest, which introduced me to a range of people with unique perspectives and backgrounds. With an open-minded and highly intuitive personality, I found myself involved in many aspects of the community, including becoming a matchmaker with Oorah’s Rebbetzins program. However, with four young children at home, I was unable to balance the demands of matchmaking with my family responsibilities. So, I took a break from matchmaking until my children were older and I was able to devote myself more fully to the singles I work with.

When my oldest son began dating, I quickly realized the overwhelming need for
compassionate, dedicated, and empathetic Shadchanim. I decided to re-enter the world of matchmaking, this time as a certified dating and relationship coach. I am extremely passionate about coaching and giving the daters and couples that I work with the unconditional support they deserve.  My training and work as a Kallah teacher have given me a unique perspective on relationships and intimacy that I incorporate into my coaching practice.

I have been trained in the Directed Dating method, at Aleeza Ben Shalom’s Dating Academy, The Gottman Institute’s Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, and the Building a Lasting Connection method, as well as getting certified as a relationship coach from IAP Career College.  


With over 25 years of marriage under my belt, I bring a wealth of personal life experience to my coaching practice. I have developed a deep understanding of the shidduch process, relationships, and marriage. I know how frustrating it can feel. I get it.

What sets me apart as a coach is my commitment to co-active coaching. Your goal is my goal. We’re in this together. New to dating, dating for years, or already married, having an objective, non-judgmental person to talk to, can take your relationship to the next level.

Let’s uncover and discover together.

My Services

Before beginning your dating journey, you need to know your why. Why do you want to get married? What does marriage mean to you? Lets discover what’s motivating you and learn your why.

Clarify your shidduch goals, and know your needs, wants, and dealbreakers. Prepare for each date and then unpack them in confidence. Master the entire shidduch process.

As you prepare for your future as a couple, we’ll learn the diamonds of halacha and hashkafa as they pertain to marriage. We’ll discuss intimacy and tahara in-depth as you lay your foundations with care.

Whether you’re in Shana Rishona or married for 20 years, gain invaluable guidance to ensure an enduring, endearing, and pleasurable relationship. You and your spouse deserve a happy and peaceful marriage.


Download My Free A-Z Dating Guide

Get In Touch

I’m here for you!
Feel free to reach out with any questions, big or small – I would love to help out