Light at the end of the tunnel

I wanted to share a thought about Shiva Assar B’Tammuz – the 17th of Tammuz. It’s the start of what’s known as “The Three Weeks.” This period commemorates the time between the breaching of the walls of Yerushalayim and the eventual destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. It’s a tough three weeks, marked by sadness and reflection, but there’s also a deeper lesson here about resilience and hope.

One of the most challenging aspects of any difficult situation is the uncertainty of its duration. In hindsight, we know that after these three weeks of mourning, there comes a time of Nechama—a period of comfort and consolation. Knowing there’s an end date to our sadness brings a unique kind of solace. If we didn’t have this certainty, the burden of our grief would be so much harder to bear.

This concept really hits home, especially when you think about the personal challenges we all face. One of the hardest parts of any difficulty is not knowing how long it will last. When will you meet your bashert? When will you have a child? When will you get that job? These questions can weigh heavily on our hearts, and it’s often the not knowing that causes the most suffering.

Just imagine if you knew exactly when your trials would end. While the waiting might still be painful, the certainty of an end date would give you the strength to endure. It’s the uncertainty, the not knowing when the suffering will cease, that tests your resilience the most.

During these Three Weeks, let’s hold onto the hope that our personal and collective struggles will lead to a time of comfort and joy. Find strength in the certainty that this too shall pass, גם זה יעבור, and that brighter days are ahead. May you find the resilience to endure your trials and the faith to believe in the better days to come.

As it says in Tehilim:

בָּ֭עֶרֶב יָלִ֥ין בֶּ֗כִי וְלַבֹּ֥קֶר רִנָּֽה

One may lie down weeping at nightfall,
but at dawn, there are shouts of joy.

Hang in there. The light at the end of the dark tunnel you might find yourself in is just around the bend.

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